Friday, August 16, 2013

Why Does Your Water Taste So Good?.....Health Hazards of Fluoride

Moving back to Plainville after all these years has certainly been an eye opener.  The town has really matured into a very comfortable community and yet some people still live back in the good ole days.  Innocent times.   In amazement, my mother still drinks water from the tap while my husband and I ordered Spring Water Delivery the first day we were here.  Mother could not understand why we have to purchase water when we could just open the faucet….and Jeff and I were horrified to think that she drinks city water laden with Fluoride and Chlorine and who knows what else.  And this is how it went for the first two months.

Then…..the July heat wave.  Day after day after day of 90 plus degrees and high humidity we found ourselves consuming more water, hoping it would keep us cool.   Then one day, mother wandered over to the cooler of filtered Spring Water and poured herself a glass.  That was the start of something new.  “Why does your water taste so good?”, she asked.  Now she was ready to listen…..she tasted the difference. 

Although city water is treated with chlorine and fluoride it may have other chemicals that really are not fit to drink.  But let’s just concentrate on Fluoride.  Fluoride is added to city water in order to prevent cavities, however it has never been proven that fluoride actually prevents tooth decay.  But it HAS been proven that the use of fluoride can cause a condition called fluoridosis, a mottling and pitting of tooth enamel.   And if all fluoride is needed for is to prevent cavities, why put it in the water?  Why not put it on your teeth, like in the form of tooth paste?

Actually, in the past…fluoride was used as a poison.  Hitler used fluoride to calm the Jews, to keep them docile and quiet.  The German scientists even experimented with varying doses of fluoride on the Jews to see how it affects the human body…..and not very well I might add.  They found fluoride to attack the central nervous system.  Also, prolonged use of fluoride causes brittle bones and promotes osteoporosis.  Fluoride is also responsible for infertility.  Harvard University just came out with a study proving that ingesting fluoride lowers one’s IQ.  Other studies show that the consumption of fluoride can lead to the suppression of the immune system, gastro intestinal disorders and the suppression of the body to produce essential enzymes.

So after all these studies regarding the adverse health effects of fluoride, one should ask the question….how safe is fluoride, really?  The practice of water fluoridation has been rejected or banned in several countries including: China, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Hungary, and Japan.  Nearly all of Europe’s water supply is fluoride-free, and thankfully, many American communities are realizing this is the healthier choice. More than 45 U.S. cities have rejected the process of water fluoridation since 1990.

Not convinced yet?  Well wrap your brain around this.  Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) typically label sodium fluoride as “…toxic by ingestion, inhalation and skin contact” and that personal protection equipment for handling fluoride should include safety glasses and gloves. So in other words, when handling fluoride one needs safety glasses and gloves but it is safe for you to drink. 

Fluorides are more toxic than lead and only slightly less poisonous than arsenic… and these toxins can enter your body from brushing your teeth or rinsing with many popular dental care products!  Not to mention the consumption of fluoride through drinking your tap water.  It seems fluoride is being added to everything these days….from vitamins, toothpaste, mouthwash, prescription drugs, infant formula, vitamin water and sports drinks, some processed foods and the list goes on and on.  Fluoride can even enter your body through the pores on your skin, so even taking a shower with fluoridated water can be detrimental to your health.  Still not convinced?  Every year, Poison Control Centers receive thousands of calls from people reporting fluoride poisoning which severely damages the body and can be fatal.

After making a call to the Valley Water System Inc, I was told that the fluoride that is added to Plainville water is not straight fluoride, but to make matters worse, it is a substance called fluorosilicic acid….or what I would call toxic industrial waste from fertilizer manufacturing.  These are not like the fluoride compounds found in toothpaste or vitamins and not of pharmaceutical grade quality.  But instead, fluorosilicic acid is unpurified industrial waste by-products that are collected in the air pollution control systems of certain industries.  So instead of manufacturers paying to have their toxic waste disposed of….they are selling it to municipalities for profit, to be dumped in your water…..and YOU are paying for it.  HA!  PLUS a lot of towns are purchasing their fluoride chemicals from China. But the quality control of these Chinese chemicals are even more lax than the U.S.-produced chemicals.  In a recent article in the journal Neuro Toxicology, a research team led by Roger D. Masters, Dartmouth College Research Professor and Nelson A. Rockefeller Professor of Government Emeritus, reports evidence that public drinking water treated with sodium silicofluoride or fluosilicic acid, known as silicofluorides (SiFs), is linked to a higher intake of lead in children. 

So to answer the question, Mom, of why does my water taste better than yours???......maybe it is because my water does not contain toxic industrial waste.  When it comes right down to it….you are better off “living healthy chemical free”….

For more information regarding the hazards of fluoride consumption please visit the Fluoride Action Network Web Site and view this video....  

Dr. Burk conducted a study which shows how the addition of fluoride to public drinking water correlates with an increase in cancer.  He claims that Fluoridation of public drinking water equates to Murder on a Grand Scale....

Oh....I angered some Dentists have I?....well GOOD!!!  Maybe it is time they learned something, too....
Now listen to a REAL Dentist....and educated Dentist, Dr. Mark Breiner, Park Ave., Trumbull, CT....

More and more Municipalities around the nation are discontinuing the practice of water fluoridation, mainly because fluoride is a drug and they are essentially administering a drug to the people without their consent and since they are not doctors, they are administrating this drug illegally.  (Oh, my!)  So towns are giving the people back their FREEDOM to choose whether or not to use fluoride.  If they do choose to take fluoride they can purchase toothpaste, mouth wash, sports drinks, etc that contain the drug.  They can even take fluoride pills......

The FDA has never approved public water fluoridation nor has it approved fluoide pills.  But the FDA has approved the addition of fluoride to bottled water.

Israel ends all public water fluoridation programs claiming they are outdated and invalid...

Sodium Fluoride is a toxic by product of aluminum production....just ask Alcoa.   Medical researcher Ty Bollinger talks about the history of fluoride use in this country. He says there are no studies that show it helps prevent tooth decay and may actually cause cancer and other problems.....

The Hard to Swallow Truth about not be fooled.