Thursday, December 1, 2016

It's Always The People With The Dirty Hands....Pointing The Fingers

Welcome to the Rabbit Hole.  I changed the name of my column because we are at a cross roads in our nation where the “truth” is going to call the shots.  The “truth” that has been hidden from We the People for decades by our own government with the help of Mainstream Media and the Educational System.  This “truth” that I speak of is going to be a hard pill to swallow and most will not believe me (at first) and some will be angry at me for exposing it.  So, come with me, if you DARE, down the “Rabbit Hole” that leads to the True Nature of Reality. 

Reality came to my door the night of October 31, 2016, Halloween Night.  As I do every year, I readied myself with a generous bowl of candy, anticipating young smiling faces of all ages, all genders, all races and nationalities and religions….and yes all neighborhoods.  I handed out 188 pieces of candy and I think we only have a dozen children on the street.  But that is fine, as the Night of Halloween in my memory of my youth, has been a night of joy, creativity and candy.  But this Halloween Night delivered to my door discrimination, fear, hatred, aggression and child abuse.  Never, before, in my life have I ever experienced the censoring of candy due to one’s political affiliation.

Time and again I witness the mental illness of progressive liberalism.  The degenerative psychosis of pathological narcissism that is spreading across our country, stealing the minds, hearts and souls of the American people to the detriment of our great nation.  Among the parents accompanying their children that night, where mothers who instructed their children not to come to my door because of my support for Donald Trump, as if Donald Trump is a very bad man and I must be a very bad lady.  Someone to be censored and looked upon in an unfavorable manor.  I will never forget the looks of scorn and hatred, especially from one woman who stood at the foot of my driveway, drilling me with what appeared to be her personal “Zombie Curse”.  I was even admonished by a “tween” who DID take my candy but let me know how detestable I am for voting for Trump.  The Little Brat!  Teach your children well, my friends.

And what exactly ARE you teaching your children?  You are teaching them to ignorantly hate, bully, discriminate and you must be teaching them to rob and steal as my yard has been vandalized 4 times since I put up my Trump yard signs.  OH!?  You are not teaching them all those fine liberal qualities?  Well, they must be learning them somewhere because a new breed of delinquent and all around “pain in the ass” is forming called the Social Justice Warrior (SJW).  If they are not being influenced by what they experience at home, they must be indoctrinated into this new cult at school or maybe church and definitely by the trash they are feed on TV, especially from the lies and the inverted reality brought to you by the Mainstream Media.

I would like to give a “Shout Out” to the “High Schooler” who robbed my yard the night of October 28th.  I know who you are, I know where you live, I know your marker number and I know where you go to school.  SMILE, you’re on candid camera.  Go to the Plainville Police Department with $80 to replace the items you stole from my yard, leave it with Sergeant Roper and we will “call it a day”.

I know for a fact, even in town, this new breed of socially diseased SJW have in the past been encouraged by the Democrats to steal Republican yard signs, and told “nothing will happen to them because they are still in school and the cops will let them go”.  Isn’t that child abuse?  Encouraging a minor to commit a crime?  Teaching your children to hate people because of their beliefs?  Is this how adults act?  Do everything and anything to get your candidate elected even if it means breaking the law, and then when your candidate loses, even though the machines were rigged and the media lied to get her elected, you tell your Minion SJWs to go forth and riot, commit crime, destroy property, harm innocent people, even kill, block roads, call for the rape and decapitation of Melania Trump and for the assassination of Trump himself, while blaming all your barbaric unacceptable behavior on TRUMP?  Do you realize how deplorable you are acting?  How narcissistic and pathological?    

Our youth is being paid to riot, steal, intimidate and physically harm Trump supporters by such liberal organizations as, Black Lives Matter, Craig’s List, Occupy Wall Street,, the Democratic Party and even institutions of higher learning, with the encouragement of mainstream media, funded by the money of the Clinton Foundation and the guy the whole world hates right now, George Soros.  Go on Craig’s List and you will see the ads for yourself.  Heads of colleges and even politicians such as Governor De Blasio, tell the rioters NOT to stop, but to continue to exercise their right to “peaceful protest”. 

I have a NEWS Flash for all you “geniuses”!  What is happening across America, with the blessings of our Muslim President and our corrupt Congress, is not “peaceful Protesting” but “deliberate rioting for profit”, Domestic Terrorism, interfering with Americans’ civil rights to live in a safe society and interfering with the safe commerce of this nation. 

Now I will show you the difference between the Mental Illness of Progressive Liberalism and the Moral Integrity and Intellectual Superiority of Trump supporters.  Instead of crying like immature children, rioting, destroying property, blocking roads and highways and interfering with commerce, the so called “Deplorables” gathered in a “think tank”, used their brains and are presently bringing forward the largest US Class Action Law Suit against the driving forces behind such violent and destructive rioting and civil unrest.  When the Progressive Liberals go Low, the Trump Nationalists go HIGH!

We, as citizens, have a right to file a Class Action Federal Lawsuit, in response to the treasonous and deliberate domestic terrorism this country has ever seen, by such national enemies and traitors to this country as George Soros, the Clinton Foundation, institutions of learning, Craig’s List, the Democratic Party,, the BLM, any organization or person who has promoted or instigated people to protest in such a way as to interfere with the public safety, daily lives, civil rights and the normal commerce of this country.  This lawsuit will even include individuals who have donated to such organizations that have promoted this civil unrest or anyone collaborating with said persons and organizations, and this includes the Mainstream Media. 

Under a Civil Class Action Lawsuit, we have the right to ask the federal courts to enjoin (stop) immediately, the civil unrest that is tied to and fueled by George Soros, the Clinton Foundation and any organization funding and backing any actions that fuel and/or incite such unrest. A Cease and Desist. The plaintiffs of this lawsuit also have the right to instruct the courts to FREEZE the ASSETS of the defendants named above.

We the People can now file a Criminal Complaint to the US Attorney’s office and the Department of Justice to hear all the facts and evidence and call a Grand Jury to start a criminal investigation of George Soros, Bill and Hillary Clinton and all the people and organizations involved in funding and promoting civil unrest and treasonous acts against Americans and country with the intent to undermine the Republic.

If our Muslim President will not do his job to protect the citizens of this country and if CONGRESS will not do its job to keep our Muslim president in line, then We the People will exercise our constitutional right to do so.  Peacefully and Legally.  The difference between Trump Supporters and the Progressive Liberals is the Trump Supporters chose to do things peacefully and legally and the Liberals chose to break the law and throw violent tantrums like the spoiled mongrel brats that they are.  As if they are demonically possessed.

So in closing, I would like to wish everybody a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Yes, I said CHRISTMAS!  Deal with it, Snowflake!

Monday, October 24, 2016

He Who Does Not Freely Speak The Truth…Is A Betrayer Of The Truth

    I have been writing for a few years on how our government, big business, the medical profession, our education system, religious institutions and mainstream media have been, to our detriment, keeping the truth from the American people.  In plain English, they have been LYING to us. The establishment gets away with this because a majority of Americans, because of their blind faith and complacency, willingly allow themselves to be lied to.  They become BRAINWASHED, blinded to the truth.  Mind Controlled.  Programmed.  As in television “programming”.  This “program” has been brought to you by the Establishment that rules the world and creates and controls your reality.  Propaganda is being used as a weapon on the American people by our own news media.

    It was Karl Rove, right after 911, who told Fox News that our government was going to control everyone’s reality through the media….newspapers, major news networks, and even your local news is being tainted with lies and misinformation.  And you eat it up!  Believe it.  And repeat it.  How could you be so gullible?  Did you ever think of questioning authority?  Fact Checking?  Doing a little independent research?  Maybe educate yourself a bit?

    When you allow yourself to become “programed”, or brainwashed, you lose your independence and your ability to think “freely”, as your thoughts and beliefs are “dictated” to you.  And this is exactly what is happening in this country right now, by design, but no one is telling you.  So allow me to be the “Ballsey” Bearer of Truth.

    We are currently in a fight for our lives and the life of this country.  On November 8th, there will be another presidential election, but this year marks the end of the “left/right paradigm”, where both candidates are working for the same “boss man”, and their “boss” is not YOU. This year an “outsider” threw his hat into the ring, and woke up the “Sleeping Giant”; the “silent majority” of American taxpayers who are sick and tired of the lies, crimes and treasonous acts that have been perpetrated on us by our elected officials in federal, state and local governments.

    This campaign between Trump and Clinton is exposing ALL the “dirty deeds” and treasonous acts of our politicians, both Republican and Democrat, proving there has been a coup e’tat in this country which took place on September 11, 2001. And the weapon being used on us is the Mainstream Media Propaganda Machine, through their lies, misinformation and character assassinations.  Fact Check THAT! 

    Up until now, there did not exist actual proof that our government sold us out to the Globalists, only circumstantial evidence that would stand up in any court of law. But our government agencies have sold us out as well.  The State Department, the FBI, the CIA, the Supreme Court and Federal Judges.  They are ALL Guilty and ALL protecting each other, holding up a House of Cards.  Yes, we even have Connecticut members of this political crime family, bearing the names of Malloy, Esty, Murphy and Blumenthal.  Guilty of selling out the American people.

    In recent days, by the order of Julian Assange, WikiLeaks is data dumping the 33,000 plus emails that Hillary Clinton ILLEGALLY deleted and BLEACHED from her private server she kept in her “bathroom”.  Within those thousands of emails is PROOF of everything I have stated above, and more.  What is written in those emails between Clinton, Podesta, Obama and many other elected officials and government agencies PROVES that Donald Trump is telling the truth and Clinton is not only a liar, but a murderer and agent for the globalists, given the order to take down this country, dragging us into a demonic One World Government and she needs to be jailed.  Fact Check That!  Go on the internet to and read about it yourself. 

    Upon finding out about the data dump, Hillary went into one of her “Pathological Rages” that she is so famous for and ordered a drone strike on Assange and ordered her Media Minions to tell the public Trump is Putin’s best friend and Putin hacked all our computers and doctored her emails, so Trump could win the election and everything is Trump’s fault because he is a criminal that likes to grab “pussy”.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  CNN, better known as the Clinton News Network, is telling us it is “illegal” to read the Wikileaks emails, trying to further keep us from knowing the truth.  What the emails DO prove is CNN and the other news networks are paid off through the Clinton Foundation to lie to the viewers in hopes of brainwashing us against Trump.  Which only proves, Hillary is a treacherous criminal who refuses to “play fair”.

    Hillary, your “drone strike” on Assange will be a waste of time because this is how it works.  The Russians did not hack your emails and Assange did not do it either.  There are 100’s of hackers around the world that funnel information to WikiLeaks; information that is being withheld from us by our elected officials and the M(ASS) Media.  Many of the email leaks are coming from within our own government and forwarded to WikiLeaks.  US government whistleblower William Binney stated that the Democratic National Committee’s server was not hacked by Russia but by a disgruntled U.S. Intelligence worker.  The motivation of the hacker was concern over Hillary’s disregard for national security secrets when she used her personal email and consistently lied about it.  At the 3rd debate, Hillary stated 17 Intelligence Agencies proved that Russia hacked her emails and that, too, proved to be a complete lie.  I could go on and on about Hillary’s lies but I’d run out of space.

    On October 17, armed guards were photographed surrounding the Ecuadorian Embassy in the UK, where Assange has been seeking asylum for 4 years.  On Friday and Saturday of that week, the East and West coast of the U.S. experienced a cybor attack.  Hillary automatically blamed the Russians.  NO, Hillary.  It was NOT the Russians and it was not a solar flare.  It was the fleet of international hacker’s, sending a message to DC, you harm Assange and we will take you down.  Hillary has developed a “paranoid” tendency to blame everything on the Russians.  If the Cubs lose, it was the Russians.  If it rains in Southern California, the Russians did it. 

    Speaking of Murder, Hillary has a trail of dead people in her wake.  A recent corpse is Seth Rich, a DNC Staffer who was going to testify against Hillary, but was unfortunately found dead a day before. What a coincidence!  Turns out, Rich was the Director of Voter Expansion Data and through Hillary’s emails, he had proof that the Democratic Primaries were illegally stolen from Sanders.  Hillary, it did no good for you to order a hit on Rich, as he is one of the sources for WikiLeaks and now the whole world can read about your crimes and character, or lack of.

    Another person who is on the “fly” from Hillary’s “Whack Men” is James O’keefe of Project Veritas, an organization that investigates and exposes corruption within our government, offering information that the mainstream media is paid to keep from the American people.  O’Keefe is now marked as a dead man because he has video proof that the DNC is guilty of voter fraud and worse, crimes that are sanctioned by our president and Department of Justice.  It does no good to kill him either, as he gave the code keys to a person I will not name for his protection, so if O’keefe is killed we get the info anyway.  You can view all the video evidence of voter fraud and election rigging by going to, if it has not been taken down from the internet by now.  You do realize, as of October 1 of this year, our Muslim president sold (gave) our internet to the UN.  Translation, we no longer have freedom of speech, we are now under UN rule.  

    As you can see, our sitting government is doing EVERYTHING it can imagine to prevent Trump from getting elected president.  But why?  Because we no longer live in a Democracy.  Says so right in Hillary’s emails.  To Obama, it is a big joke and he is supposed to pass the baton to Hillary to put the kibosh on us.  To take down our country.  Finish us off.  Except for one thing.  More people believe in Trump than they do the lying media. 

    Also, the polls are rigged.  Hillary is NOT ahead in the polls, Trump is.  The fact that THOUSANDS show up for his rallies and only a couple hundred, if that, show up for Hillary’s speaks volumes.  It is a proven fact, that Hillary pays people to show up at her rallies, just like she pays people to protest at Trump Rallies, and just like she paid the women coming forward to falsely accuse Trump of sexually assaulting them.  All FACTS!  All in her “emails”.  The media LIES about Hillary’s poll numbers to make it “believable” if she succeeds in stealing this election through voter fraud and rigged machines.

    Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is a great time to be alive.  This is our one Last Chance to bring back the America we were born into.  We can either vote for the “outsider” who answers only to the American people and has a plan to restore this country to “Greatness”, or we can vote for Hillary, the criminal who wants to collapse this country and take away our freedoms and worse.  The only person worse than Hillary right now is the person who will vote for her.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

ZIKA Pt 2....The Greatest Government Deception Since 911

On March 16, 1988 Saddam Hussein was bastardized and accused of War Crimes and Genocide against his people for spraying the Kurds with phosgene nerve gas and other chemicals, resulting in the deaths of hundreds; and those that lived were permanently damaged for generations to come. 

Florida, South Carolina, Massachusetts and New York are Aerial Spraying their people with Organophosphates like Saddam did to his people.  Why is this not a War Crime as well?  Why is our federal government giving them money to accomplish this Genocide and attack on the American people?  ZIKA!  The new Boogie Man!  Everyone be afraid and BEG to be sprayed with nerve gas and demand The SHOT! We need to be SAVED!  Saved from what?

It is being discovered that the Zika Virus has never been proven to cause microcephaly and birth defects.  The 4,000 cases of Microcephaly that were reported in Brazil, have been proven to be a “lie”.  There were only about 350 cases.  Of the 350 cases, only 5 of the mothers tested positive for Zika, and this ZIKA event could have occurred before pregnancy.  This shows no relationship between Zika and microcephaly.  The public was misinformed. 

The mosquito that carries the rare Zika Virus is called the aedes aegypti mosquito.  They are recognized by their black and white strips and they do not bite at night.  They do not even live out doors, so aerial spraying with toxic, dangerous nerve gas will not even get to them.  Who in the HELL do we have as decision makers?  The people in Miami are victims of multiple bombings with a pesticide that is banned throughout the world, and the enemy is hiding in doors all along.  Is the enemy the aedes aegypti mosquito, or the people profiting by this Domestic Terror on the American people?  Because I can tell you for a FACT, the people of Miami are living in terror.  They are getting violently ill from the spraying and no one will listen to them, let alone stop this senseless chemical attack.  And why should you care?  Because the powers that be want to spray everyone coast to coast and the consequences will be horrific. 

A few weeks ago, bees were dying in South Carolina and birds and cats were dying in Massachusetts.  The M(ASS) Media explained this as a mystery.  But to people with half a brain, it didn’t take long to realize that the areas with the dead birds, bees and cats were the same areas being sprayed with pesticides to kill the ZIKA, a virus that poses no danger at all. 

On July 20, the United States thought it had the authority to fly a plane to Puerto Rico, loaded with the nerve gas, Naled, to be sprayed throughout the whole island.  The governor of Puerto Rico, Garcia Padilla, gave orders for the plane to be quarantined at the airport and not allowed to unload the toxic chemical.  He personally arrived at the airport to tell the pilot “Yankee Go Home”.  Puerto Rico is successfully controlling their mosquito population with safe alternatives to chemical pesticides under the direction of Dr. Maria Carrascal.

The poor people of Miami are not so lucky.  Their governor is giving the orders to repeatedly spray the “piss” out of them with Naled, the most toxic pesticide.  The fact that his people are getting sick and landing in the hospital has no effect on him. The fact that children are vomiting, experiencing breathing problems doesn’t faze him one bit.  The fact that bees, fish, cats and dogs are dying is no “Biggie”.  As long as he keeps going to DC for more money.  The news is silenced and people who speak out are threatened.  The politicians are blaming this sickness on the “ZIKA”, but these sick people are testing NEGATIVE for the Zika virus, proving once again, pesticides will destroy your health and your life.  We have Psychopaths running this country!

A pilot who makes his living in mosquito control in Miami, David Chapman of Collier Mosquito Control, refuses to spray Naled until someone can prove to him it is perfectly safe.  Naled is not even effective in killing the mosquitos.  Could this be because the mosquito population is now made up of the GMO Mosquito? Researchers are working on the possibility that the birth defects might be caused by the Bill Gates GMO Mosquito and if in fact this mosquito is carrying “weaponized” Zika.  Was this the plan all along?  An excuse for another unnecessary vaccine?  Is this Zika Hoax the brain child of the Bill Gates/ David Rockefeller Eugenics Program for Population Control?  Could this have anything to do with the fact that David Rockefeller owns the patent to the Zika Virus?  Do you ever ask yourself these questions?

Why has the issue of patent ownership of the Zika virus not been the subject of media coverage?  Because in his own words, Rockefeller brags about censoring the media to his One World Government takeover in June of 1991 when he addressed the meeting of the Trilateral Commission.  Look it up yourself.

And for the guy out there saying another Conspiracy Theorist, Grow Up!  The term Conspiracy Theorist was coined in 1967 by the CIA to attack and discredit anyone who challenges the “official Narrative”.

I have come to the conclusion it is now IMPOSSIBLE, thanks to our government and the brainwashed public, for me to live healthy chemical free……..