Thursday, June 20, 2013

My Father Smoked!....but Cigarettes Did Not Cause His Lung Cancer

Driving home from work one afternoon, I decided to pay my parents a surprise visit....but the surprise was on me.  Walking into the house as I bounded up the stairs...."Hi!"...I exclaimed.  My smile turned to horror.  I saw my father writhing on the couch in tears.  A 6' 2" WWII Veteran, who was my ROCK, Fearless.....a Survivor.  The first time in my life I saw my "Warrior" figure in a helpless state.  He had been doctoring for a while as he complained about back pain but I guess the "doctor knows best" and tests were conducted in other the back pain got worse and became unbearable.

Being the out-spoken one in the family....I called my father's doctor and told the nurse about the unbearable pain my father was in and demanded an xray immediately.  After being "put off" for about five minutes I finally wore the woman down and I was told to get my father to the medical building on Hart Street for a chest xray.  A tumor the size of an orange.....growing beyond the lung wall and spreading to the surrounding lymph nodes and two ribs.

My Dad was diagnosed with Lung Cancer in February, 1998.....and died in September of that same year.  I do not like to think about the months in between as I saw my father deteriorate before my very eyes....waste away and lose his senses as the cancer spread to the brain.  But the one thing I will never the visit to his oncologist to get his biopsy results.  "Louie", he said...."do you get chemical lawn service?" I looked at my mother looked at me.  "No", she said..."but my husband smoked", thinking the lung cancer was caused by his smoking. The doctor explained to us that in this case the lung cancer was not caused by cigarette the tumor showed an abundant amount of pesticides in the tissues that were characteristic of this type of tumor and cancer. parents never used chemical lawn service.....BUT, their neighbors did.

Amazing....Pesticides ambushed my family twice.  And the trigger was pulled by the people who purchase them and apply them. These products are DANGEROUS, people!  In other countries they are referred to as Weapons of Mass Destruction.  And furthermore...Pesticides attack the health and life of everyone that uses them.  Companies that manufacture pesticides and herbicides spend big money to promote their products as safe....when they know they are not.  Take Syngenta for instance.  Syngenta paid millions of dollars in a covert effort to protect its herbicide atrazine and discredit critics...  Round Up has these "dancie/prancie" commercials that lead you to believe it is perfectly safe. But recent and past studies show it promotes Cancer....whether lymphoma or breast promotes cancer.  And you purchase it, and YOU use it and you are putting yourself, family and neighbors in danger.  If our government will not do the right thing and take these dangerous products off the market....will YOU take personal responsibility and do the right thing???  DO NOT PURCHASE these products my friend.  If AMERICANS will STOP buying into mass marketing and STOP purchasing these will eliminate the problem.   When a product is no longer being purchased, there will be no reason to manufacture it.  Your government and big business is using you as shmucks!!!  YOU are the cause of your own demise....and big business and the Medical Industry is making money on your illness, pain and suffering.

SMARTEN Up, people!  You are doing it to yourselves....and everyone else.  I choose to live pesticides free.  But my neighbor's choices and actions are preventing me to Live Healthy Chemical Free.

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