Saturday, October 3, 2015

Killing Me Softly….With Your Love

 A few weeks ago I was in Vitamin Shoppe purchasing a box of Organic Dandelion Tea.  As I took the box from the shelf, I had to shake my head and laugh.  I am buying Dandelion Tea to cleanse my system from the pesticide residue I am breathing in, due to the pesticides and herbicides used to kill the Dandelions.  Tell me I am not living in “Idiocracy!” 

And for that matter, when did the Dandelion become the enemy?  I remember growing up in the 50’s when everyone had Dandelions on their lawns and we paid no mind.  And we did not feel the need to spread pesticides and herbicides on our lawns like people feel pressured to do today.  In fact, we picked the Dandelions and my grandmother made delicious Italian recipes with them.  And Hocus Pocus….the lawn was free of Dandelions.

But today, we are living in the age of the “Brainwash”.  Consumerism.  Purchase what is not necessary.  Even if it kills you.  I hope you realize the pesticides and herbicides you are buying to put in your yard where your pets and children play, are made from the same components of the weapons of mass destruction that George Bush was looking for in Iraq; the very stuff you pay Scott’s and Tru Green to apply to your lawns.  And then you wonder why God gave your daughter, husband or wife cancer.  Hello?!  God did not give your loved ones cancer.  Monsanto and YOU did.

And if that is not bad enough….you have the “do it yourself-ers”. “I’m going to spread my OWN stuff, and spray a little Roundup on those dam weeds, too.”  Well, let me tell you, Monsanto’s Roundup, glyphosate, is being banned in Europe and South America due to the fact that it causes cancer in lab rats and the World Health Organization has announced glyphosate to be a “probable carcinogen”. 

The Swiss Government mandated to ban and remove glyphosate products from store shelves to protect their people and the environment.  Replacing these “killer poisons” with non-toxic alternatives for weed control.  France, Switzerland and Germany all banned glyphosate products…soon to be followed by more countries of the EU.  Over 30,000 health professionals in Argentina are advocating for a ban on glyphosate products, due to the increase of cancer nationwide that is directly related to the use of these poisons in agriculture.  Sri Lanka banned glyphosate products after health professionals discovered it was the main cause for kidney and bladder cancer.  Costa Rica, Columbia and Brazil are considering taking the same action as they are facing serious health and environmental issues from the use of agricultural pesticides. 

Not only are the countries of the European Union banning Monsanto’s Glyphosate products (Roundup) but they are also banning Monsanto’s GMO Foods, as they have not been proven to be safe.  GMO Food has also been found to cause cancer in lab animals, as well as an array of allergies and stomach issues.  GMO Foods are Roundup Ready, meaning the poison Roundup is poured on them and you eat the food.  Not very smart.

You see, the European and South American governments want a healthy society and are legislating bans and restrictions on Monsanto products.  These responsible countries want to adopt a reputation of being “clean and green”.  While our country cares more about their “campaign contributions”.  Now I ask you, do you REALLY think your vote counts? 

”If you don’t like it, MOVE”, you say.  “I can do anything I want in MY yard”, you say.  Whatever happened to “Love Thy Neighbor”?  Well, due to circumstances beyond my control, I can not move….YET!!!  So, do what ever you want in your yard, but keep it IN your yard.  I do not want it coming over to MY yard and getting into MY house and forcing me to breathe it in and get sick.  I consider this to be an assault on my person.  Just like second hand cigarette smoke would be.

The culprit is “Drift”.  When your poisons are sprayed in YOUR yard, it creates what is known as DRIFT.  Whether you are using a liquid or granular poison, there are “fumes” that evaporate from these deadly chemicals and they get into the air and drift throughout the neighborhood…like a pestilence.  These gaseous fumes engulf the neighboring houses and work their way in and accumulate inside. 

Open the windows you say?  What do you think is outside, I say?  This drift hangs in the air and sticks to everything, working it’s way inside of your house for your children and pets to breathe.  And God forbid the wind is blowing or there is a breeze, you have greater drift and penetration. Get the drift?  This drift is like the poisonous gas that killed the Kurds. 

I would like to add, Federal Regulations for the application of pesticides consider it a violation to apply pesticides or herbicides if it is a windy or breezy day.  But what the heck….the “pesticide man” puts it down anyway.  Who cares?!  Also Federal regulations mandate that if you put your own poisons down in your yard, you must put yellow “caution” flags at the foot of your property.  And that is not done either.

If surface drift is not bad enough, the pesticides also seep into the soil.  For a LONG Time.  And to make matters worse, when it rains, the water re-activates the poisons to create fumes that “drift” all over again. 

Now, if you call the “man from Tru Green” and ask if this is true, I bet they will say “no” it is not.  He might say there is such a small amount of poisonous pesticides in their product that it is perfectly safe.  Many scientists have proven many times, that your regular exposure to pesticides and herbicides is called a “soft kill”.  It may not cause you to drop dead on the spot, but give it time.  It will slowly invade your body and over a period of time, you too can say you have cancer, or asthma, or Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, the list goes on.  Don’t believe me?  Just google “illnesses caused by pesticides”…and read all about it.

Is it a coincidence?….or was it done on purpose?…the Dandelions you were brainwashed into thinking are the enemy,  actually contain curative properties for cancer and other illnesses people are giving themselves from the products they purchase and consume.  Well, what can I say?  If you want to give yourself and your family cancer and other diseases that is your business.  But keep it in your yard.  I do not want it drifting into my yard for me to breathe.  I choose to Live Healthy Chemical Free…..

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