Thursday, December 1, 2016

It's Always The People With The Dirty Hands....Pointing The Fingers

Welcome to the Rabbit Hole.  I changed the name of my column because we are at a cross roads in our nation where the “truth” is going to call the shots.  The “truth” that has been hidden from We the People for decades by our own government with the help of Mainstream Media and the Educational System.  This “truth” that I speak of is going to be a hard pill to swallow and most will not believe me (at first) and some will be angry at me for exposing it.  So, come with me, if you DARE, down the “Rabbit Hole” that leads to the True Nature of Reality. 

Reality came to my door the night of October 31, 2016, Halloween Night.  As I do every year, I readied myself with a generous bowl of candy, anticipating young smiling faces of all ages, all genders, all races and nationalities and religions….and yes all neighborhoods.  I handed out 188 pieces of candy and I think we only have a dozen children on the street.  But that is fine, as the Night of Halloween in my memory of my youth, has been a night of joy, creativity and candy.  But this Halloween Night delivered to my door discrimination, fear, hatred, aggression and child abuse.  Never, before, in my life have I ever experienced the censoring of candy due to one’s political affiliation.

Time and again I witness the mental illness of progressive liberalism.  The degenerative psychosis of pathological narcissism that is spreading across our country, stealing the minds, hearts and souls of the American people to the detriment of our great nation.  Among the parents accompanying their children that night, where mothers who instructed their children not to come to my door because of my support for Donald Trump, as if Donald Trump is a very bad man and I must be a very bad lady.  Someone to be censored and looked upon in an unfavorable manor.  I will never forget the looks of scorn and hatred, especially from one woman who stood at the foot of my driveway, drilling me with what appeared to be her personal “Zombie Curse”.  I was even admonished by a “tween” who DID take my candy but let me know how detestable I am for voting for Trump.  The Little Brat!  Teach your children well, my friends.

And what exactly ARE you teaching your children?  You are teaching them to ignorantly hate, bully, discriminate and you must be teaching them to rob and steal as my yard has been vandalized 4 times since I put up my Trump yard signs.  OH!?  You are not teaching them all those fine liberal qualities?  Well, they must be learning them somewhere because a new breed of delinquent and all around “pain in the ass” is forming called the Social Justice Warrior (SJW).  If they are not being influenced by what they experience at home, they must be indoctrinated into this new cult at school or maybe church and definitely by the trash they are feed on TV, especially from the lies and the inverted reality brought to you by the Mainstream Media.

I would like to give a “Shout Out” to the “High Schooler” who robbed my yard the night of October 28th.  I know who you are, I know where you live, I know your marker number and I know where you go to school.  SMILE, you’re on candid camera.  Go to the Plainville Police Department with $80 to replace the items you stole from my yard, leave it with Sergeant Roper and we will “call it a day”.

I know for a fact, even in town, this new breed of socially diseased SJW have in the past been encouraged by the Democrats to steal Republican yard signs, and told “nothing will happen to them because they are still in school and the cops will let them go”.  Isn’t that child abuse?  Encouraging a minor to commit a crime?  Teaching your children to hate people because of their beliefs?  Is this how adults act?  Do everything and anything to get your candidate elected even if it means breaking the law, and then when your candidate loses, even though the machines were rigged and the media lied to get her elected, you tell your Minion SJWs to go forth and riot, commit crime, destroy property, harm innocent people, even kill, block roads, call for the rape and decapitation of Melania Trump and for the assassination of Trump himself, while blaming all your barbaric unacceptable behavior on TRUMP?  Do you realize how deplorable you are acting?  How narcissistic and pathological?    

Our youth is being paid to riot, steal, intimidate and physically harm Trump supporters by such liberal organizations as, Black Lives Matter, Craig’s List, Occupy Wall Street,, the Democratic Party and even institutions of higher learning, with the encouragement of mainstream media, funded by the money of the Clinton Foundation and the guy the whole world hates right now, George Soros.  Go on Craig’s List and you will see the ads for yourself.  Heads of colleges and even politicians such as Governor De Blasio, tell the rioters NOT to stop, but to continue to exercise their right to “peaceful protest”. 

I have a NEWS Flash for all you “geniuses”!  What is happening across America, with the blessings of our Muslim President and our corrupt Congress, is not “peaceful Protesting” but “deliberate rioting for profit”, Domestic Terrorism, interfering with Americans’ civil rights to live in a safe society and interfering with the safe commerce of this nation. 

Now I will show you the difference between the Mental Illness of Progressive Liberalism and the Moral Integrity and Intellectual Superiority of Trump supporters.  Instead of crying like immature children, rioting, destroying property, blocking roads and highways and interfering with commerce, the so called “Deplorables” gathered in a “think tank”, used their brains and are presently bringing forward the largest US Class Action Law Suit against the driving forces behind such violent and destructive rioting and civil unrest.  When the Progressive Liberals go Low, the Trump Nationalists go HIGH!

We, as citizens, have a right to file a Class Action Federal Lawsuit, in response to the treasonous and deliberate domestic terrorism this country has ever seen, by such national enemies and traitors to this country as George Soros, the Clinton Foundation, institutions of learning, Craig’s List, the Democratic Party,, the BLM, any organization or person who has promoted or instigated people to protest in such a way as to interfere with the public safety, daily lives, civil rights and the normal commerce of this country.  This lawsuit will even include individuals who have donated to such organizations that have promoted this civil unrest or anyone collaborating with said persons and organizations, and this includes the Mainstream Media. 

Under a Civil Class Action Lawsuit, we have the right to ask the federal courts to enjoin (stop) immediately, the civil unrest that is tied to and fueled by George Soros, the Clinton Foundation and any organization funding and backing any actions that fuel and/or incite such unrest. A Cease and Desist. The plaintiffs of this lawsuit also have the right to instruct the courts to FREEZE the ASSETS of the defendants named above.

We the People can now file a Criminal Complaint to the US Attorney’s office and the Department of Justice to hear all the facts and evidence and call a Grand Jury to start a criminal investigation of George Soros, Bill and Hillary Clinton and all the people and organizations involved in funding and promoting civil unrest and treasonous acts against Americans and country with the intent to undermine the Republic.

If our Muslim President will not do his job to protect the citizens of this country and if CONGRESS will not do its job to keep our Muslim president in line, then We the People will exercise our constitutional right to do so.  Peacefully and Legally.  The difference between Trump Supporters and the Progressive Liberals is the Trump Supporters chose to do things peacefully and legally and the Liberals chose to break the law and throw violent tantrums like the spoiled mongrel brats that they are.  As if they are demonically possessed.

So in closing, I would like to wish everybody a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Yes, I said CHRISTMAS!  Deal with it, Snowflake!


  1. Its not just Soros. It's the entire international banking cartel and the goal is to destabilize so that we move to a 1 world system.

    1. You are absolutely correct. And I am sure more factions can be named as well. Mr. Binsack is still in the drafting stages of this suit and as soon as it is complete I will be posting the link to this document in my blog.

      Thank you so much for contributing your facts and observations, there is so much to this One World Take Over of's like peeling back an onion, the more you learn....the more you learn.

      I can not wait til I discuss their End Game of Transhumanism.

  2. Looking at the title of your article, my immediate thought is what are they hiding behind this recent distraction of "Russia interfering with the elections" story that broke this weekend? A peek behind the curtain is on tall order.

    1. Sounds like you and I think answer to that is "plenty". They are hiding PLENTY!

      But let me pick out one HUGE issue. CHILD Trafficking. And isn't it funny, in the bureaucratic bullshit that fools the public "fools" the fact that the elected officials and bureaucrats in charge.....will put the FOX to Guard the Hen House....every time. I plan on eventually writing about this....and no, I do not plan on "killing myself".....

      Either we think alike....or you are "picking my brain". What do you think they are hiding?......
